AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF BEIRUT Suliman S. Olayan School of Business DCSN 205 – Managerial Decision Making Spring 2009-2010 Midterm Exam 20 April 2010 This exam is administered in full observance of the Olayan School of Business Honor Code and the penalties it sets for violations of the standard of academic conduct. You are required to fully understand the code and to strongly adhere to it. In particular, mobile telephones and computers of any shape or size are not allowed. No questions, no comments, no borrowing, and no disturbance of the peace of any kind will be permitted or tolerated. You are required to stop working on the exam and hand it immediately when a proctor instructs you to do so. Any cheating or attempted cheating will subject the o ender to a zero on the exam and a referral to the Student A airs Committee for further penalties. Please, sign the following pledge. \I fully understand and strongly adhere to the School of Business Honor Code. I vow to complete the exam on my own without giving or receiving help from anyone, and to adh ere to the academic integrity standards re ected in the AUB student code of conduct.” Your Signature: Your Name and ID: Select Your Section: Instructor Section Days and Times Selection Lama Moussawi-Haidar 1 MWF 9:00-9:50 Lama Moussawi-Haidar 2 MWF 10:00-10:50 Lama Moussawi-Haidar 3 MWF 14:00-14:50 Walid Nasr 4 MWF 13:00-13:50 Walid Nasr 5 MWF 12:00-12:50 Neil Yorke-Smith 9 TTh 11:00-12:15 • This exam has 4 exercises, for a total of 100 points. You have 2 hours to complete it. • Write your answers in the spaces provided. Be concise and follow the instructions closely. If you run out of room for an answer, continue on the back of the page. • Your understanding of the questions is part of the exam. No questions will be answered by instructors. If in doubt, write your assumptions and continue solving. • Do not start the exam (do not turn to the next page) until instructed to do so. • Once you begin, it is your responsibility to check that your paper contains 19 pages. Exercise 1 Oliver owns a small newspaper stand in downtown Beirut. Recently, Oliver installed three rows of shelves near the stand to promote the sale of impulse items like soft drinks, cookies, and like items. In the two months since the shelves has been installed Oliver has experimented with di erent items on the shelves and with di erent placements. As marketing courses teach, he found the top shelf attracted the most attention and the bottom shelf the least. Shelf size limitations mean that no more than three items can be placed on a single shelf. A product is assigned to at most one shelf and cannot appear more than once. Based on the above observations, Oliver was able to estimate the net weekly pro t from a product based on its shelf location, as follows: Product Shelf 1 Shelf 2 Shelf 3 A $79 $46 $45 B $76 $62 $43 C $73 $47 $42 D $69 $52 $32 E $66 $53 $30 F $56 $38 $24 G $51 $35 $20 1. Formulate a LP model to advise Oliver in deciding which products to carry on the new shelves and on which shelf should they be carried. De ne your variables clearly. Solution: Decision Variables [2]: Xi;j is 1 if product i is assigned to shelf j and 0 otherwise, for i = A, B, C, D, E, F, G and j =1, 2, 3. Objectve Function [2]: max 79XA;1 +46XA;2+45XA;3 +76XB;1 +62XB;2 +43XB;3 + ::. Constraints: S.T.: Shelf capacity constraints: [3] XA;1 + XB;1 + XC;1 + XD;1 + XE;1 + XF;1 + XG;1 = 3 XA;2 + XB;2 + XC;2 + XD;2 + XE;2 + XF;2 + XG;2 = 3 XA;3 + XB;3 + XC;3 + XD;3 + XE;3 + XF;3 + XG;3 = 3 Product constraints: [3] XA;1 + XA;2 + XA;3 = 1 XB;1 + XB;2 + XB;3 = 1 XC;1 + XC;2 + XC;3 = 1 XD;1 + XD;2 + XD;3 = 1 XE;1 + XE;2 + XE;3 = 1 XF;1 + XF;2 + XF;3 = 1 XG;1 + XG;2 + XG;3 = 1 [equality constraints are okay] Page 2 of 19 2. You are assisting Oliver to implement his LP model in a spreadsheet. Brie y explain one objective of a good spreadsheet layout when implementing such a model. Page 3 of 19 Solution: See textbook section 3.7 for examples: communication, reliability, aud itability, modi ability; or any other sensible objective. Does not need to be formally named: e.g., \add comments to constraints” speaks to communication. Although it doesn't directly address the question asked, accept also any steps in spreadsheet implementation: data, variable cells, objective function, constraint LHS formula cells and RHS coecients. 3. Oliver has entered into a sales agreement with the manufacturer of products D and E, and into a second sales agreement with the manufacturer of product B. His sales targets are 100 units of products D and E (in total) per month, and 65 units of product B per month, respectively. He receives a bonus if he reaches sales of 100 units of products D and E (otherwise no bonus for these products), and a separate bonus if he reaches 65 units of product B (otherwise no bonus for product B). Consider this part of the exercise to be independent and separate from part 1. Write a goal programming LP formulation that models Oliver's two sales agreements. De ne all your variables and your objective function clearly. + ..- - =0 [1]w = w + + - - + + + + + Solution: Let Yi be the number of units of product i that Oliver sells per month on average [1]. Let di and di be deviational variables [1]. Let ti be sales targets. 1 min (wd- wd) [3] i i ii ti i=B;DE s:t. YB + dB - dB = tB = 65 [1] YD + d+ - d+ YE = tDE = 100 [1] DE E B DE Fine to have D and E combined or separately. Any GP objective function (weighted sum, weighted percentage deviation, minimax, etc) is acceptable. Min us one mark for omitting wB = wDE = 0. Page 4 of 19 Exercise 2 1. A gas distribution network is modelled by the following linear program, which has an objective function that describes the cost of gas shipment across the network. Let us call it model 1. Draw the network that the LP models. min 20XAD + 15XAE + 5XBA + 35XBE + 10XCD + 10XDE (1) s.t. XBA - XAD - XAE = 25 (2) - XBA - XBE = ..40 (3) - XCD = ..30 (4) XAD + XCD - XDE = 50 (5) XAE + XBE + XDE = 40 (6) XBA = 25, XDE = 30, 8i, j : Xij = 0 (7) Solution: Draw a graph with nodes: A,B,C,D,E [1] six edges [1]: AD weight 20; AE weight 15; BA weight 5, bounds [0,25); BE weight 35; CD weight 10; DE weight 10, bounds [0,30) [1 point for each edge; no penalty if bounds omitted] supply: A +25, B -40, C -30, D +50, E +40 [3] Page 5 of 19 2. Model 1 does not account for leakage from the pipes. An estimate is that 10% of gas ow is lost along each pipe. Modify model 1 to account for this. Let us call this revised LP model 2. Solution: Modify each ow constraint to have a factor of aij =0:9 for all edges (i, j) [1]. Hence constraints for A, D, E change to have 0.9 in front of Xij terms that have positive sign — or any equivalent reformulation. [4 marks for correct constraints, -1 for each error. 3 marks for correct revised diagram but no revised constraints written out] 3. Model 1 does not account for a regulatory condition: if any ow occurs out from node A, then the volume of out ow from node A must be at least 30 units. Modify Page 6 of 19 model 1 to account for this. Let us call this revised LP model 3. Solution: Add binary variable YA [1]. Add side constraints: 30 * YA = Xi = M * YA [2] ows i from node A where M is a large constant (at least as large as upper bound on total ows from node A). [1] [1 mark for XAD + XAE = 30] 4. Which of models 1, 2, and 3 do you expect to have integral values for the ows, and Page 7 of 19 which do you not expect to have integral values for the ows? Justify your answer. Solution: Model 1: yes, because network ow where lower and upper bound and supplies are all integer. [1] Model 2: no, because generalized network ow. [1] Model 3: no, because arbitrary IP. [1] Page 8 of 19 Exercise 3 A food component is manufactured by re ning raw oils and blending them together. The raw oils come in two categories: vegetable oil (VEG1, VEG2) and non-vegetable oil (OIL1, OIL2, OIL3). The nal product sells at $180 per ton. The prices for buying each oil are given below (in $/ton): OilVEG1VEG2OIL1OIL2OIL3 Price115128132109114 Vegetable oils and non-vegetable oils require di erent production lines for re ning. It is not possible to re ne more than 210 tons of vegetable oils and more than 260 tons of non-vegetable oils. There is no loss of weight in the re ning process and the cost of re ning may be ignored. There is a technical restriction relating to the acidity percentage of the nal product. The acidity percentage of the nal product must lie between 3.5% and 6.2%. It is assumed that the acidity percentage blends linearly and the acidity of the raw oils is as follows: Oil VEG1 VEG2 OIL1 OIL2 OIL3 Acidity 8.8% 6.2% 1.9% 4.3% 5.1% Your task is to determine what raw oils to buy and how to blend them so that the company maximizes its pro t. 1. Formulate the above problem as a linear program. Solution: Let xi be the number of tons of oil of type i used (i=1,...,5) [2] max180(x1+ x2+ x3+ x4+ x5) - 115x1 - 128x2 - 132x3 - 109x4 - 114x5 [3] s:t. x1+ x2 = 210 x3+ x4+ x5 = 260 (8:8x1+6:2x2+1:9x3+4:3x4+5:1x5)=(x1+ x2+ x3+ x4+ x5) = 3:5 (8:8x1+6:2x2+1:9x3+4:3x4+5:1x5)=(x1+ x2+ x3+ x4+ x5) = 6:2 xi = 0 [9 points, 2 for each constraint and 1 point for non-negativity] Page 9 of 19 Page 10 of 19 2. The following extra conditions are imposed on the manufacturing problem stated above, as a result of the production process involved: • the nal product may never be made up of more than three raw oils • if either of VEG1 or VEG2 are used then OIL2 must also be used • if OIL3 is used then OIL2 cannot be used Modify the LP model to account for these new extra conditions. Clearly de ne any new variables you introduce. Solution: Let yi = 1 if we use any of oil i (i=1,...,5), 0 otherwise [4 for new variables and linking constraints:] x1 = 210y1 x2 = 210y2 x3 = 260y3 x4 = 260y4 x5 = 260y5 y1+ y2+ y3+ y4+ y5 = 3 [2] y4 = y1 and y4 = y2 [2] y5+ y4 = 1 [2] Page 11 of 19 Exercise 4 City Burger is a new chain of fast-food establishments planning to expand to suburban and downtown locations in northern Italy. The company has e 27 million available for the expansion. Each suburban location requires a e 2 million investment and each downtown location requires a e 6 million investment. Forecasts project that, after expenses, the net weekly pro t generated by suburban locations will average e 12,000 per restaurant. The projections for downtown locations indicate that net weekly pro ts will average e 20,000 per restaurant. City Burger wishes to open at least two restaurants in downtown locations. The company currently employs 19 managers to run its restaurants. Each suburban location will require three managers, whereas the company feels it can get by with just one manager for each downtown location. 1. Assuming fractional values are allowed, formulate a LP to determine how many restaurants City Burger should open in suburban and downtown locations in order to maximize its total weekly net pro ts. Solution: X1: number of suburban locations to open, X2: number of downtown locations [1] max12, 000X1 + 20, 000X2 [1] s:t. 2X1+6X2 = 27 [1] X2 = 2 [1] 3X1+ X2 = 19 [1] X1;X2 = 0 [1] Page 12 of 19 2. Solve graphically the model in part 1 and report the optimal solution. Solution: X1= 5 7/16 and X2 = 2 11/16. Optimal weekly pro t = e 119,000. [4 points for the feasible region, 2 for the level curve, 2 for the optimal solution and 2 for the optimal pro t] Page 13 of 19 Page 14 of 19 3. Find the optimal solution if the number of managers currently employed increases from 19 to 21. What is the shadow price of the number of employees constraint? Solution: New optimal solution (graphically) is X1=6.18 and X2=2.43, optimal pro t=e 123,000 [2]. Shadow price=(123,000-119,000)/2= e 2000 [2] [For the second part: 1 mark for de nition of SP only, no computation of its value] Now consider the integer linear program (ILP) that corresponds to the LP problem formulated in part 1; let us refer to it as the ILP. 4. Round up the optimal solution of the LP. Report whether the new solution is optimal Page 15 of 19 to the ILP. Explain. Solution: Round up we get X1=6, X2=3, which is infeasible. [2] (Rounding down, we get X1=5, X2=2 which is feasible but not optimal.) 5. Solve graphically for the optimal solution of the ILP. Solution: From the graph, (4,3) is the optimal integer solution [2], and optimal pro t e 108,000 [2] Page 16 of 19 6. Now consider again the optimal solution of the LP and round it down. Report whether the new solution is optimal to the ILP. Calculate the resulting pro t of the rounded solution. What do you conclude? Solution: Rounding down gives (5,2) and pro t=e 100,000 [1]. While this is feasible for the ILP, it is not optimal [1]. We conclude that rounding will either give an infeasible or suboptimal solution. [1] 7. After comparing the optimal solutions of the LP and ILP, could you nd an ILP Page 17 of 19 solution better than the LP solution? Justify your answer. Solution: The optimal solution of the relaxed LP is always better than that of the ILP. Page 18 of 19 8. Now suppose e 28 million is available for the expansion. Does the optimal ILP solution change? If so, what is the new integer solution? Solution: Yes, constraint shifts upward and new optimal integer solution is X1=5, X2=3 [2]. Optimal pro t = e 120,000 [1] Page 19 of 19